About us
A Journal for Contemporary Literature, Art and Culture
About Us
Littnow.. is an online journal aimed at promoting serious literature, art and culture.
With Littnow.. we hope to bring out meaningful fiction, poetry, nonfiction, reviews, plays, visual art, new media, video essays, features, photo-essays, travelogue, articles on sports, cinema… that so many of us love and enjoy.
Through Littnow… we seeks a unique way of interpreting our ever changing world by creating meaningful thoughts and discussions.

Saajo panayamkod
Saajo Panayamkod is a multifaceted person who is a well known poet, screenwriter, theatre personlity, painter and illustrator.
His poems have appeared in all the leading literature magazines in Malayalam, and the book ‘Pimpukalude Nagarathil’ (In the City of Pimps) is a collection of his poems.
He has penned screenplays for a number of television serials, documentaries and films.
All these years, Saajo pursued his love for colours and depicted the darker side of life through canvas and paint (as he does in his poems and plays). He is also a freelance illustrator with published art works in major literary journals in Kerala.
Saajo has also written and directed a number of plays and street plays. In the ’90s, he lead a street play team which performed plays promoting the cause of fishermen in Kerala walking the whole coastal strech of the state

Technical Editor
Jithu Peter
While others in this team bring experience to the venture, Jithu adds vigour and freshness of gen next thinking to the group.
It’s been years Mr Jithu peter is into multimedia. He is well experiend in filming advertisements and also an expert in digital marketing. Being the state joint secretary of OPAM (organization of arial movie makers), he is also a publisher and chief editor of the online photography magazine photomalayalam.com. Along with his proffession, he also share his wings of knowledge through online tutorial channels as providing an opportunity for anyone who is eager to learn multimedia.

Art & Photography Editor
Sajjayakumar. R
Sajjaya Kumar @ Kuttan ProAm, is a professional photographer and graphic designer who brings decades of experience to this venture. He is based at Kollam in the State of Kerala, India and his photographic series on Ashtamudi Lake was well received. Sajjaya will be bringing picture essays on social, political, and cultural themes.
എല്ലാവരും സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കുകയും അപരനെ ഒട്ടും കേൾക്കാതിരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന ആസുരമായ ഈ കാലത്ത്, സാഹിത്യത്തിലും കലയിലും സാംസ്ക്കാരിക രംഗത്തും ഗൗരവമായ ചർച്ചകൾ ഓരോരുത്തരുടേയും ഉള്ളിലും പുറത്തും സൃഷ്ടിക്കുകയെന്ന ലക്ഷ്യമാണ് ലിറ്റ്നൗ … വിനുള്ളത്. ഗൗരവമെന്നത് ഊഷരമായൊരു മരുഭൂമിയല്ലെന്നും അർത്ഥപൂർണ്ണമായ ചിരിയും ചിന്തയും അതിലുണ്ടെന്നും ഞങ്ങൾ തിരിച്ചറിയുന്നു.
കഥ കവിത ലേഖനം നാടകം ആത്മകഥ വിവർത്തനം ഓർമ്മകൾ ചിത്രങ്ങൾ വീഡിയോകൾ വാർത്തകൾ സിനിമ കായികം…. തുടങ്ങി സർഗ്ഗാത്മതെയുടെ വെയിൽവീണതെന്തും സ്വാഗതം ചെയ്യുന്നു.